Pytanie o SAT Math (geometria)

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Pytanie o SAT Math (geometria)

Post autor: mahiraman »

Jak duży nacisk kładzie się na geometrię w SAT? Geometrię zrobiłem w 8 klasie i znam większość wielkich pomysłów dotyczących kątów i trójkątów. Przejrzałem testy praktyczne i większość pytań była dla mnie wykonalna.

Do nauki używam też podręcznika do matematyki CollegePanda. Niektóre pytania dotyczące geometrii są bardzo trudne i na zupełnie innym poziomie niż te z opublikowanych testów. Czy powinienem skupić się na testach praktycznych, a nie na trudniejszych w zeszycie ćwiczeń?
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Posty: 2
Rejestracja: 18 gru 2024, 06:03

Re: Pytanie o SAT Math (geometria)

Post autor: simoneraineop »

Geometry makes up a modest portion of the SAT Math section—about 10-15% of the questions. These include topics like angles, triangles, circles, area, volume, and coordinate geometry. If you already have a solid foundation in geometry, you're well-positioned to succeed on the test.

Here’s how you might approach your preparation:

1. Focus on SAT-Level Geometry Questions
The SAT prioritizes reasoning over complicated calculations. Questions are often designed to test your ability to apply basic geometric principles in novel ways.
Since you've noticed that College Panda includes questions at a much higher difficulty level than the official practice tests, it's better to align your focus with realistic SAT-level questions, especially from the College Board's official practice tests or other reputable sources like Khan Academy.
2. Review Key Geometry Topics
Ensure you’re comfortable with these frequently tested topics:
Properties of triangles, including special triangles (e.g., 30-60-90, 45-45-90).
Pythagorean theorem and its applications.
Properties of circles (angles, arcs, and sectors).
Coordinate geometry (distance, midpoint, and slope).
Volume and surface area of 3D shapes.
Basic transformations (translations, reflections, rotations).
3. Prioritize Efficient Study
If you're finding that College Panda questions are overwhelming, they may not be the best use of your time. These harder questions are designed to stretch your thinking but may not reflect the kinds of questions you'll encounter on test day.
Focus on medium- and high-frequency SAT topics. Geometry is only a small piece of the overall test, so make sure you're dedicating enough time to algebra, data analysis, and problem-solving.
4. Practice Tests Are Gold
Work through official SAT practice tests. They give you the best feel for what the SAT expects. Use these tests to identify your weak areas and refine your strategies.
If you feel like you're breezing through the geometry questions, that’s a good sign you're ready for this portion of the exam.
Final Recommendation:
Stick to official SAT-level geometry questions and don’t stress over the overly challenging ones in supplemental books unless you're striving for a perfect score and have time to spare. Geometry isn't the most significant portion of the SAT, so balance your prep accordingly.
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Posty: 2
Rejestracja: 18 gru 2024, 06:03

Re: Pytanie o SAT Math (geometria)

Post autor: simoneraineop »

hope this helps
