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Find an area and help

: 22 maja 2023, 11:09
autor: boyl99
I need help: I'm growing plants in a tray and instead of using soil in a tray, I'm using a natural fiber mat that works like soil but without the mess. I would like to buy some of this material for the mat, but would like to know how many trays I can fill to understand the cost per tray.

The inner dimension of the trays is 19.75'' x 9.5''

The mat is 48'' x 96''

How many trays can I level if I cut the mat to fit?

Re: Find an area and help

: 22 maja 2023, 11:48
autor: Jerry
Simple slicing - 20 trays, economical - more, but not more than 24.

I greet You

Re: Find an area and help

: 22 maja 2023, 21:56
autor: janusz55
Area of one trays:
\( 19,78" \times 9,5" = 187,625".\)

Area of one mat kuyinto:
\( 48"\times 96" = 4608"\)

If You cut one mat kuyinto, You can fill up to

\( 4608" : 187,625" \approx 24,56 = 24 \) trays.

Re: Find an area and help

: 22 maja 2023, 22:35
autor: Jerry
janusz55 pisze: 22 maja 2023, 21:56 \( 48"\times\ 96" = 4608"\)
\(48"\times\ 96" = 4608\text{ sq in.}\) :idea:


Re: Find an area and help

: 22 maja 2023, 22:54
autor: janusz55
Don't be shy!