Why am I struggling here?

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Posty: 5
Rejestracja: 18 lis 2023, 09:40

Why am I struggling here?

Post autor: WartanThamar »

"I find myself still struggling with solving systems of equations. Could you explain some common mistakes or misconceptions that might be causing my difficulties? Are there any specific techniques or steps I should follow to improve my understanding and problem-solving skills in this area?"
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Rejestracja: 18 maja 2009, 09:23
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Re: Why am I struggling here?

Post autor: Jerry »

Practice makes perfect!

I greet You
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Rejestracja: 01 sty 2021, 09:38
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Re: Why am I struggling here?

Post autor: janusz55 »

It is difficult for me to say what mistakes you make when solving systems of linear equations.
For small systems of equations, the universal method is the substitution method.
For linear equations: the method of opposite coefficients, Gaussian, Gauss-Jordan and iterative methods: Jacobi method, Seidel method.
For numerical methods include: bisection method, falsi rule and secant methods.
For systems of non-linear equations - Newton's method.